As you guide you'll meet hundreds of people: the fit ones, always happy ones and of course the tired, sick, bored … Being a guide requires liking people! If you don't or if you get tired, you may want to consider changing your plans. In this section we will learn the specifics of Customer Service outside your guests’ comfort zone and how to manage groups in the outdoors. And to see that as a guide, you are a leader, so act as one!

In this course you will:

  • Understand that customer service in the outdoors is about caring for people outside their comfort zone
  • Learn how to manage expectations on an adventure trip, both physical and emotional
  • Get to know the importance of Group Management
  • Understand that guiding is also about leadership. You are the Leader. Act as one!



  • 45 minutes of video lessons
  • Links to further reading and research
  • A 5-question quiz to check your knowledge